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MYT "Hardwood Challenge"
Event Type:
Open Team Tournament
Triton Central High School and other area locations if needed
Mar 23, 2024
Mar 24, 2024
City, State:
2nd - 11th Grade Boys & Girls
Entry Fee:
Min Games:
3 Game Guarantee - 2 Pool Games Saturday w/ All Teams Advancing to Seeded Single Elimination on Sunday
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Medical Waiver and Release of Liability
Medical Waiver and Release of Liability (This form must be signed by the parent/guardian
of each player before player is eligible to participate in tournament )I, the above
signed, hereby authorize any first aid, medication, medical treatment or surgery
deemed necessary in case of an emergency for the above player Midwest Youth Tournaments
tournament play. I, the above signed, in consideration of the players participation
in Midwest Youth Tournaments tournament, intending to be legally bound, do
hereby ourselves, executors, and administrators waive, release, and forever discharge
any and all rights and claims for damages, including any claims for loss, damages
or injury to our persons or property arising out of the above player's performance
or failure of performance from the Midwest Youth Tournaments, their agents,
representatives, successors and assigns.
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Agree To Terms - Digital Signature
As Coach/Team Representative, I certify that the information within is correct to
the best of my knowledge. I understand that should a protest arise concerning the
eligibility of any players participating on my team, that it will be necessary that
proper documentation (i.e. Birth Certificate, Report Card) be made available verifying
the player�s eligibility in the age group in which that player is participating.
It is understood that should one of my players be found ineligible, that the player
will not be able to continue participating in the tournament. I understand that
the team I represent is responsible for proof of insurance coverage.
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Please Enter Representative Name:
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Security Verification
Please enter the security verification below. Click the "show another code" button
if you have trouble reading the verification code.
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Mail Roster and Entry Fee (Cashiers Check or Money Order Payable) to Midwest Youth
Minimal charge may apply for refund request
Midwest Youth Tournaments
17 Connor Ct.
Bedford, IN 47421